As always, geocaches sometimes make the news. Usually it’s because some muggle sees someone (not being too stealthy) put something somewhere and then calls the police. There are many reasons for this – perhaps they have nothing better to do and want to be famous when the news crews come to interview them, or there was just something suspicious about the guy in head to toe camouflage putting a nondescript metal box near that shopping mall entrance. No matter what the reason, Groundspeak and our wonderful VOLUNTEER reviewers deal with this. They sometimes have to tweak the rules a bit to help us all out, and not scare muggles. Just like making caches on school grounds no longer a thing as well as ON playgrounds. Makes sense, with everyone scared about crazy people around schools and playgrounds.
I’ve chatted with some reviewers, and was unaware that while Groundspeak has its own set of guidelines…each state has fine tuned those to meet their needs. For example, there are some states that do not allow cemetery caches. This also goes for Rest Areas. So, while you might think a location would be great for placing a cache because you found one just like it in another state – it might not fit within the Indiana guidelines. so, you ask, just how do I go about finding out what the Indiana rules are? Check out this little Wiki from Groundspeak –